Our Commitment to Inclusive Language
We are proud of our continuing efforts to be more inclusive. Recently we decided that we will use inclusive language in all events and services. Here are some examples of inclusive prayers, words and images:
Our Parent, who is among us, blessed be your Creation.
May your reign be a reality here on earth.
May we become more interested in building your kin-dom here and now than in waiting for it to come down from above.
Let us share our bread with those who hunger.
Let us learn to forgive as well as to receive forgiveness.
Help us through the time of temptation, delivering us from all evil.
For ours are the eternal blessings that you pour upon the earth. Amen.
Copyright © by J. Manny Santiago, 1999. From the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists. Used with permission. Downloaded at Many Voices
Heavenly Parent, Holy and blessed is your true name. We pray for your reign of peace to come, We pray that your good will be done, Let heaven and earth become one. Give us this day the bread we need, Give it to those who have none. Let forgiveness flow like a river between us, From each one to each one. Lead us to holy innocence Beyond the evil of our days — Come swiftly… come. For yours is the power and the glory and the mercy: Forever your name is All in One.
Bill Wallace, Aootearoa/New Zealand
O most Compassionate Life-giver, may we honor and praise you; May we work with you to establish your new order of justice peace and love; Give us what we need for growth, And help us, through forgiving others, to accept forgiveness. Strengthen us in the time of testing, that we may resist all evil, for all tenderness, strength and love are yours, now and forever.

Inclusive Words and Images for God
• Who was and is and is to come (from Revelation 1:8)
Beloved, Lover, and Love
(based on Augustine’s On the Trinity)
• Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer
(by the 16th century reformer Martin Luther)
• Of Whom, Through Whom, In Whom
(also suggested by Gail Ramshaw)
• Source, Word, and Spirit
(by Ruth Duck and Patricia Wilson-Kastner; 1999 book
Praising God: The Trinity in Christian Worship)
• Fountain of Love, Word of Truth, Spirit of Power
(also by Duck and Wilson-Kastner)
• Parent, Child, and Love or, Parent, Lover, and Friend
(also by Duck and Wilson-Kastner)
• Fountain, Offspring, Wellspring (by Ruth Duck)
Non-gendered Metaphors for God
• Rock and fortress: Psalm 18:2
• Shepherd: Psalms 23:1
• A cypress tree: Hosea 14:8
Inclusive Phrases for the Trinity by Rev. Thom Shuman
Gracious God, Healing Hand of God, Loving Spirit
God in Community, Holy in One
God of Imagination, God of the Vulnerable, God of the Feast
God Surrounded by Glory, Healer of the Hopeless,
Compassion's Heart
Holy God, Loving Christ, Spirit of Strength
God of our Joy, God of Steadfast Love, God of Mercy
Gentle God, Christ our Bread, Gifting Spirit
God of Every Moment, God of Love We Cannot Understand, Spirit of Transformation, God who Feeds Us, Fills Us With
Grace, Touches Us With Hope
God of all Wonder and Glory, God, Whose steadfast Love
Dwells, God of every blessing.