Worship Arts & Music

Worship Arts & Music Committee

Responsible for the worship life of the church, the central act of the church from which its ministries flow. This Committee will work under the direction of the Pastor and by the authority of the Session.

Members of Committee:

  • Dianna Lease, Chairperson
  • Karin Nurnberger
  • Beverly Haines
  • Laurann Cacioppo
  • Barbara Bennet
  • Betsy Phillips



These beautiful paraments were handmade by our members
to celebrate the liturgical year.


The Sacrament of Holy Communion

We currently celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion on the first Sunday of each month and other designated times.
It is our practice to invite all people who desire to participate to receive and share the sacrament of communion.  No one is denied a place at Christ’s table.

Each time we gather around the table of communion we remind each other that “this table” does not belong to us or the church.  The table belongs to Christ who spoke and lived the unconditional grace of God. Just as Jesus gathered with people to eat and drink, all the while speaking love, offering wisdom for healing, exalting the outcast and suffering, Jesus gathers with us, all of us, regardless of age, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation/identity, or physical/mental ability. 

Whoever you are and wherever you find yourself on the journey of faith you are welcome here as you are. At the table of communion we are formed into the Body of Christ, called to live forgiveness, justice and love.  Come for all is ready.
